Plant an Urban Garden
Some people absolutely love urban life. They love the concrete jungle and the hustle and bustle. But one thing that big cities often lack is greenery - so, how do you get around that? Well, these old tires have served as the perfect building block for this green urban landscape. And while we love the old tire planters, we also love the unusual tire centipede you can see in the background.
Small changes like this can make a big difference in big cities and towns, so if you have the chance to contribute something like this to your local area, go for it!
Get Crafty With DIY Tire Planters
What we love about tire planters is that the opportunities really are endless. You can go as basic or as elaborate as you want, and you don't even have to use real flowers if you don't consider yourself to be very green-fingered. But if you do want to get real plants involved, we'd urge you to go as colorful as you possibly can. This way, your tire planter will really stand out from the crowd.
Elevating your tire planter from the ground will also help to prolong the life of your flowers, as this extra height will allow for excess water to fall to the ground.
Put Together a Stylish Armchair
As tires live most of their lives outside, it would be easy to assume that tire DIY projects need to go outside, too. But that's not the case. With the right care and attention, you can create a bespoke piece of furniture for your home from old tires - like this tire armchair. This has been made by covering an old tire with yarn and then attaching legs and a backrest.
This person has managed to bring an impressive and colorful pattern to life, but you can stick to a simpler design if you prefer a more minimal aesthetic. The choice is yours.
Use a Bike Tire to Make a Mirror
Car tires aren't the only tires that get shoved to the back of the garage. And if you have a few spare bicycle tires lying around, you'll be happy to know that they're very easy to reuse and repurpose. In fact, you could use the tire as a frame to make a new mirror for your home! Of course, it's important to make sure that the mirror you choose is the right size as the tire itself.
When you've done that, however, you have the opportunity to add as much or as little decoration as you want to turn this old tire into something truly stylish and special.
Turn It Into a Yarn Ottoman
Although tires are very ugly to look at on their own, you can easily cover them up during a DIY project. And if you're looking for some extra furniture for your living room but don't have a big budget, this particular DIY project could suit you perfectly. That's because tires can look extremely stylish and sophisticated when turned into a yarn ottoman, and if you have the patience to do an intricately woven pattern, the results will definitely pay off.
While yarn is undoubtedly the best material for such a DIY project, you can also use sisal to cover this old tire if you have some lying around and feel more comfortable using it.
DIY Some Extra Seating
You can never have enough chairs, right? Whether you need some extra chairs in your dining room, your kids' playroom, or your outside bar, these tire chairs are the perfect option for those who want something a bit more fun. And what we love about this DIY project is that it's so simple yet so effective. By covering the tire holes with cushioning and then putting two of them together, you can create the ultimate chair.
You can also make these as colorful or as plain as you want so you can perfectly match them up to the rest of your home decor. Plus, we bet they're pretty comfortable!
Aim High With a Hanging Tire Planter
We've already seen a few tire planters on this list, but these were all on the floor. So, what if we flip the switch slightly? By turning your old tire the other way around and hanging it from a wall or a tree, you can make a beautiful hanging tire planter that allows you to show off your plants in a very unique and unusual way. Plus, anyone can do it!
All you need to do is stand the tire up and plant some soil into the bottom. You can then plant your flowers before hanging them in the space that makes the most sense for you.
Turn Two Old Tires Into a Garden Table
If you've ever tried to buy garden furniture, you'll know that it can be very expensive. If you're trying to save some cash, you might be interested to know that you can take the old tires sitting in your garage and repurpose them for something useful. In fact, by stacking two old tires on top of each other and attaching a tabletop above, you can create a quick and easy garden table that does the job.
You can make this table bigger or smaller by adding more tires or taking some away, but then the general decoration is up to you. You could paint the tires or cover them in yarn.
DIY Your Own Sandbox
Every kid loves to play in the sandbox, right? That's why it's so important for every parent or grandparent to have a sandbox in their yard for their little ones to enjoy. However, anyone who has ever tried to buy a sandbox before will know that they're not cheap - unless you decide to make one yourself. The easiest way to do this is to repurpose your old tires and fill them with sand.
To make this more appealing to the kids in your life, get them to paint it a bright color and attach pool noodles to the inside so it's safer for those little hands.
Make a Giant Subwoofer Loudspeaker
If you love your music but can't quite convince yourself to splash the cash on an expensive subwoofer, why not try this DIY project instead? There are so many handy ways to reuse and repurpose old tires, and using one to turn into a giant subwoofer is one of them. For this hack, all you need to do is insert the speaker into the tire and pop the whole thing on a stand in your music room.
Not only will this enhance the sound and add some serious base into the mix, but the whole DIY project also looks incredibly cool and very quirky when it's complete.
Create a Cozy Dog Bed
If you want an old tire hack that will prove to be hugely practical and beneficial to those who live in your house, look no further. By making a dog bed from old tires, you can give your pooch the perfect place to cuddle at the end of a long day of playing fetch. And the best bit? It's very easy to do. But first, you need to thoroughly clean the tire to make it safe for your dog.
You can then paint the tire whatever color you want before filling it with a huge cushion for your dog to enjoy. Of course, you can get even more creative than that if you want to.
Make Teacup Planters
Repurposing old tires to make planters is definitely the easiest DIY project for those looking to reuse their tires in a practical way. But you can make these planters a little more fancy and complicated if you want to. So, why not give these teacup planters a go? These will make a real statement in any yard, and they'll also give you a chance to get your hands dirty while you bring this project to life.
This idea is a little more complicated than some of the others on this list as it will require more cutting and sawing, but the end result is definitely worth working up a sweat.
Turn Old Tires Into Kids' Hammocks
Although you might think of tires as being rough and rugged, repurposed in the right way, they can become fun and creative additions to a child-friendly yard. In fact, with just one old tire, you can create two hammocks for children to hang in the garden - and we have no doubts that the children will love them. Of course, you'll need a tough bit of machinery to cut through the tires, but when you've done that, the next step is simple.
Then, all you need to do is hang them to two trees or even underneath your decking. The choice is yours, but just remember that this hack is better for younger children as the hammocks will be fairly small.
Build Garden Steps
If you're lucky enough to have a perfectly flat yard, you'll never know the struggle of having a yard on a slope. Walking up this slope can be an absolute nightmare - especially in the snow or when it's been raining. But having proper garden steps fitted can be expensive, which is why this DIY project could help you out massively. After all, it's very easy to repurpose old tires to make garden steps.
To do this, you'll need to stack the tires up the slope. However, for them to work as efficiently as possible, you'll need to fill those tires with soil to ensure they don't fall down.
Make a Couch
When you think of a couch, your mind probably doesn't immediately think of tires. These two things just don't seem to go together, but it seems as though they could if you put your creative juices to good work. Of course, you'll need to add some proper couch cushions to this DIY project, but you can make the base, the back, and the armrests of a couch using old tires.
This is a great way to reuse and repurpose your old tires, as they provide a stable and sturdy base for you to attach your cushions. This whole thing is pretty unique, too.
A Doable See-Saw
There's a high chance that you have fond memories of playing on a see-saw when you were younger. It's such a simple concept, but it can have a profound impact on your childhood. And if you want to provide similar memories for your children or grandchildren, you could even make your own see-saw by repurposing old tires. In fact, you'll only need half an old tire to bring this DIY project to life.
Then, you can attach a plank of wood to the top of the half-tire and attach some handles for good measure. Once you're done, you can let your kids or grandkids go wild.
Decorative Swans
Is your backyard missing something special? Do you want to look out of your window and be wowed by what you see? Well, you don't have to spend a fortune on a giant water feature or expensive sculpture. All you need to do is head to your garage, grab yourself some old bicycle tires and some kind of cutting tool, and put your creative hat on. Yes, it's time to make some decorative swans!
What we love about this DIY project is the fact that you can customize these swans and craft as many as you want, giving them all different poses and positions.
Sizeable Trash Cans
If you're a fan of summer barbecues and pool parties, you'll know just how irritating it can be when your guests leave their trash lying around your yard. And while you could bring out your trash can from the kitchen, why would you do that when you could make your own outdoor trash cans using old tires? This is the perfect way to reuse and repurpose them, and they can be as big or as small as you want.
All you need to do is stack the tires on top of each other until they're as tall as you want and place a trash bag inside of them. Then all they need is for people to put some trash in there!
Transform Old Tires Into a Fun Playground
Have high-energy kids? Want to wear them out when they're playing in the backyard? It may sound strange, but repurposing old tires can really help you out in that situation. That's because, with the right DIY skills and the right tools, you can turn old tires into a fun playground. However, it's important to note that this does need to be as secure as possible to ensure the safety of your children, so you might need some help with this DIY project.
But when you know what you're doing, you can separate these tires with large poles to create an amazing climbing frame that will not only tire out your kids but also use up your old tires.
Craft Some Lounge Furniture
If you're lucky enough to have a pool in your house, you'll know that having some lounge chairs by the pool is a must. These offer a place to chill out when you get out of the pool and allow you to catch some rays to dry off. But if you're looking to make your own lounge furniture and don't know where to stop, this is your sign to consider turning your old tires into lounge furniture.
We know this isn't to everyone's tastes, but there's no denying that this whole set is pretty unique. This DIY project does require a huge amount of skill, however, so only a select few should give it a whirl.
A Beautiful Coffee Table From Tires
If you look at the finished product on the right, it's hard to believe that this stunning coffee table is made from an old tire. It's amazing how you can repurpose these things and how much you can change them when you put your mind to it. But this DIY project isn't even that difficult. Anyone can turn an old tire into a coffee table, and you'll just need an old tire, some wood, and some yarn.
Wrapping the yarn around the tire is probably the hardest part of this project, as you have to be precise and accurate to avoid gaps. But if you put the time into it, it can look amazing.
Make a Multi-Story Planter
You don't need to be a green-fingered gardener to know that cold temperatures and snow can damage your plants. But if you live in a cold climate and still want to fill your yard with flowers, planters are the way to go. These planters will lift your plants off the ground and give them a safe space to grow - and you can even use old tires to make some. All you need to do is find something sturdy enough to hold all 2 to 3 tires up.
Ideally, you should also attach some legs to the bottom tire to lift it off the ground. However, if you don't have the DIY skills to do that, you could just leave it on the ground.
Use String to Repurpose
Many people take the tires on their cars for granted, but these things are incredibly versatile. They can be turned into so many amazing things, including furniture! Sometimes, you don't need a huge amount of skill to turn old tires into furniture, either. All you need is a bit of string and some wood thrown in for good measure. Take these tire tables, chairs, and the matching footstools, for example.
They're all so useful to the person who brought this DIY project to life, and we bet they're also super proud of their creation. Plus, it freed up space in their garage!
Add Fun to Your Yard With a Minion Scarecrow
Scarecrows are part and parcel of having lots of land and crops. That's because these pesky birds will peck at your produce and cause a huge mess on your land, given the chance, and so you need to take that chance away from them. And while most people make scarecrows using wooden poles, old clothes, and a whole load of dried grass, it seems as though there's another way.
By stacking a few old tires on top of each other and then decorating them accordingly, you can make your very own Minion scarecrow. Just remember to stock up on yellow spray paint.
Jazz up Your Christmas Wreath by Making It Out of a Tire
If you're a fan of door wreaths, we really don't blame you. These wreaths are becoming more and more common and are a way for you to personalize your front door without having to do any major building work or spend a huge amount of money. But if you don't know how to make one of these wreaths, it's pretty easy to DIY one yourself. In fact, you can even use old tires as your base.
Of course, you'll need a small tire for this DIY project, but you can then fill the inside with soil and plant the floral arrangement of your choice. Alternatively, you could stick faux flowers onto the tire.
Create an Impressive Hanging Garden
If you have a small yard and not a lot of room to work with, you might assume that you can't plant any flowers or greenery. But that's not the case at all. When you have limited floor space, you need to look up - and that's where a hanging garden can help you. You can make a hanging garden yourself using old tires, and there are so many ways to display these planters.
While you can definitely hang your planters on a wall, what you might not realize is that you can also hang planters from beams or trellises. This will give you even more space.
Build a House Out of Old Tires
Sure, we know that most people won't have the time or the energy to build their own house from old tires, but it's intriguing to know that it's possible. There are so many examples of these earth houses around the globe, and the fact that they're made up almost entirely of old tires is a true feat of engineering. But what we love most about them is the fact that they don't look like they're made out of tires when they're finished.
Instead, they look incredibly sculptural and stylish. And the unique shape of the tires even allows for a house that offers curves and edges, unlike any other house we've seen.
Make Your Own Armor
Whether you're a big Game of Thrones fan and want to dress up like your favorite characters, or you're just looking for a way to showcase your creativity, why don't you repurpose your old tires to make armor? The end result can look outstanding when done correctly, and it's fair to say that this person has managed to absolutely nail this DIY project. In fact, it looks like real armor.
Just remember that tires are very dense and heavy, so this armor may still be very heavy once you've stripped it down into smaller parts. So, prepare yourself - and your back!
Light up Your Room With Tire Lamps
Lamps have the benefit of being both practical and beautiful. Of course, their main purpose is to light up a room. But some people don't want the boring cookie-cutter lamp that everyone else has. If that's you, then why not make an intricate tire lamp? You can make this design completely unique and personal to you, and you can even have the pleasure of knowing you crafted such a beauty.
Just remember that tires are pretty heavy, so you need to ensure that your ceiling has the capacity to hold such a weight. The last thing you want is your roof caving in.
Hang Tires to Make Swings
You may think that tires are purely practical, but they do so much more than help a car run. With the right DIY project behind them, old tires can also be turned into a fun spot for your kids and grandkids to play. After all, who doesn't love a tire swing? It's very easy to make these tires, as all you have to do is attach a rope to your old tires and hang them from a tree.
You can hang tire swings in so many different ways, but what we love about this DIY project is that you can also get creative with the decorations and make them bright and colorful.
DIY Garden Stools
No garden would be complete without some garden stools, but you don't have to head to your nearest furniture store and buy some with your hard-earned money. Instead, you can make your own! An easy and fun DIY project you can get your teeth stuck into is to repurpose old tires to make garden stools, and you can customize these to your own tastes. We happen to love these coffee bag stools, though.
As long as you add some cushioning to the stools, they should be good to use for years on end. Plus, they'll only cost you a fraction of the price of new stools.
Pave a Sidewalk or Driveway
If you've been on the lookout for a unique and affordable way to redo your driveway or the pathway in front of your door, we think we might have the perfect option for you. After all, how often have you seen tires used as pavement? While it might not be the kind of thing you're used to seeing, this DIY chair is a cool statement piece that'll add character to your home.
Of course, make sure you don't need to ask your neighborhood or city for any permits before embarking on this DIY journey.
Build a Sturdy Tire Wall
While we're sure there are some builders out there who would advise against using tires to build walls for a modern house, there's no doubt about the fact that these things can be used for earthship homes or man caves in the backyard. As they're strong and sturdy, these old tires can make an impressive structural base for your wall. This DIY project is a little more complicated than that, though.
You'll need to treat and cover your tires before you're fully able to appreciate them as a wall, so make sure you don't embark on this project until you really know what you're doing.
Whip up Some Old Tire Donuts
Everyone loves donuts, right? These things are not only delicious to eat, but they're also a feast for the eyes. And if you're particularly fond of donuts and want them in your house at all times, you might be interested in this unique DIY project. With just a bit of paint, some fabric, and some pieces of wood to mimic sprinkles, you can make your own giant donuts to decorate your home.
These things don't exactly serve much of a purpose, but you can certainly make them more useful if you want to. You could even make your own donut chairs using inspiration from other chairs on this list!
Create Extra Storage in a Tire Coffee Table
If you live in a small apartment or house, you'll know the struggles of having very limited storage space. But if you want some extra space to store your cushions, your video game collection, or your books, you could always repurpose a couple of old tires to make a storage coffee table. The premise of this DIY project is similar to the other coffee tables on this list, but for this particular project, you use the insides as storage.
Just remember that if you're going to bring an old tire into your house, you should always clean it before doing so. This will get rid of any lingering dirt or loose rubber.